All along I’ve been calling this the girls garden as the original plan was for this to be a space dedicated to them, but out of all the areas this one has definitely deviated from our original plans the most, so much so I really can’t call it the girls garden any more. So now it’ll be known as the window garden due to the two large windows of our living space that overlook it.
But enough about the name, its reveal time! Well almost, first up lets take a little journey back to when the space looked like this….
And first to get a makeover, were the fences in this area.
After that we had to wait for the concrete slab to be poured in the entertainment area, but once this was in we could get on with it and started by clearing the ground in preparation for the fake grass we were going to lay.
And once the grass went in this part of the garden really started to take shape!
After that it was lots of digging and lots of musical plants. I really didn’t plan the planting for this area the way I did for the corner garden in the entertainment area, and I definitely made a few mistakes because of it. I’m really happy with how it all turned out but if I had my time again I would redo the planting and properly plan it as there is still things I would change.
So now we’ve had the journey, it’s time for the reveal!!
This transformation blows my mind! I can’t tell you how nice it is having a garden to actually look at and walk around. I am in love with this space and overall am really pleased with how its turned out.