Jun, 15, 2020

So onto the next project, or more appropriately back to the next project – our bedroom! Having recently gotten it back after my youngest vacated it this week, I’m looking at it with fresh eyes and I’m determined to finish it and bring it together, but there’s a problem. I’m struggling with the next step and what direction to go in, and as a result have lacked motivation, hence my lack of blog post last week.

I think it’s because I’m living with past decisions in our room that were made individually, and now I’m trying to make them work together. I didn’t mood board or plan this room so it’s a culmination of different ideas and items. It’d be so much easier if I’d a blank space to start with.

I was listening to a podcast this week by Jay Shetty on biases, and number nine, sunk-cost bias, hit home pretty hard. “A sunk cost is a cost that has already been incurred and cannot be recovered”.

When you’ve made an investment whether small or big it can be hard to let go of. You don’t want to admit you’ve made a mistake and wasted money. The solution…. remove the emotion, look at it objectively and ask yourself – is this working in this space? Do I really like this item? Does it complement the design or theme?

There are so many items I’ve bought trying to fix the thing that didn’t work in the first place. I really need to take a massive step back and review things, but I’m actually feeling a little anxious just admitting to you all and out loud that I’ve made a mistake and wasted money.

Have you ever found yourself in this situation? Would love to hear what your experiences are with this, and to know I’m not the only one!

So taking Jay’s advice on board here goes, let’s break this down on what’s working and what’s not:

Things that are working:
Wall colour
Woman art
Bedside lamp
Blush sheets

Things that aren’t working:
Pink throw – it’s just not quite the right tone
Teal bedding – this one kills me as it was more than I’ve ever spent on bedding
White bedsides – I’ve remedied this by putting them on top of each other to create a small tallboy dresser beside the wardrobe and they look great
The bed – I really can’t change this so I’ve gotta make it work. I’m going to source material to reupholster it.

Looking at the overall room objectively the contrast between the pink and teal is a bit too extreme. They do work together, but I need to bring in other tones of each colour to soften it all.

Below are a couple of colour palette’s I’m loving from Jessica Colyer. My palette is somewhere among these but I’m definitely leaning more towards the terracotta palette.

And here is some other inspiration, but really its back to the drawing board. Well I should really say mood board because that is the next step. I really need to do what I should’ve done in the first place – plan and design!


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